Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Day Seven


It's been a pretty amazing day. I was in Sati tonight and decided that I want to be strong. Physically and Emotionally. Self-reliant. I can be with discipline. This will be the most important commitment I make, the commitment to care about my body. To care about my choices in the way I communicate, with myself and others. And I am grateful for the chance to make such a commitment. Self-love is the choice. I challenge myself to begin all reflections with loving affirmations. I'm not going to talk about how hard it's been or can be. I'm just going to do it and watch the magic happen inside and around me. It's happened for a very dear friend of mine. I have witnessed the results of her commitment to self-love and self-inquiry and have decided to join the club.

I am! I can! I choose! I create! I have! I will! I enjoy! I love!

I forgive myself for my mistakes, my miscommunications. Tomorrow is a new day.

Ephemerally Yours,

The Dating Detox Fox

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